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10x Genomics
Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Exp.

Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression Analysis

Analysis output structure

The multiomic secondary analysis results from Cell Ranger ARC involve the following analysis steps:

And the output of the secondary analysis resides in the out/analysis directory with the following structure:

├── clustering
│   ├── atac
│   │   ├── graphclust
│   │   │   ├── clusters.csv
│   │   │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│   │   │   └── differential_expression.csv
│   │   ├── kmeans_2_clusters
│   │   │   ├── clusters.csv
│   │   │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│   │   │   └── differential_expression.csv
│   │   ├── kmeans_3_clusters
│   │   │   ├── clusters.csv
│   │   │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│   │   │   └── differential_expression.csv
│   │   ├── kmeans_4_clusters
│   │   │   ├── clusters.csv
│   │   │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│   │   │   └── differential_expression.csv
│   │   └── kmeans_5_clusters
│   │       ├── clusters.csv
│   │       ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│   │       └── differential_expression.csv
│   └── gex
│       ├── graphclust
│       │   ├── clusters.csv
│       │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│       │   └── differential_expression.csv
│       ├── kmeans_2_clusters
│       │   ├── clusters.csv
│       │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│       │   └── differential_expression.csv
│       ├── kmeans_3_clusters
│       │   ├── clusters.csv
│       │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│       │   └── differential_expression.csv
│       ├── kmeans_4_clusters
│       │   ├── clusters.csv
│       │   ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│       │   └── differential_expression.csv
│       └── kmeans_5_clusters
│           ├── clusters.csv
│           ├── differential_accessibility.csv
│           └── differential_expression.csv
├── dimensionality_reduction
│   ├── atac
│   │   ├── lsa_components.csv
│   │   ├── lsa_dispersion.csv
│   │   ├── lsa_features_selected.csv
│   │   ├── lsa_projection.csv
│   │   ├── lsa_variance.csv
│   │   ├── tsne_projection.csv
│   │   └── umap_projection.csv
│   └── gex
│       ├── pca_components.csv
│       ├── pca_dispersion.csv
│       ├── pca_features_selected.csv
│       ├── pca_projection.csv
│       ├── pca_variance.csv
│       ├── tsne_projection.csv
│       └── umap_projection.csv
├── feature_linkage
│   ├── feature_linkage.bedpe
│   └── feature_linkage_matrix.h5
└── tf_analysis
    ├── filtered_tf_bc_matrix
    │   ├── barcodes.tsv.gz
    │   ├── matrix.mtx.gz
    │   └── motifs.tsv
    ├── filtered_tf_bc_matrix.h5
    └── peak_motif_mapping.bed

Dimensionality reduction


The primary dimensionality reduction method is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for GEX and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) for ATAC. PCA is run on the normalized filtered gene-barcode matrix to reduce the number of feature (gene) dimensions. Only gene expression features are used as PCA features. Likewise, LSA is run on the normalized filtered peak-barcode matrix. PCA (LSA) analysis produces four output files in the directory analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/ with prefix of pca_ (lsa_) in the sub-directory gex/ ( atac/).

The first is a projection of each cell onto the first N principal components (default GEX: N=10; ATAC: N=15).

$ cd /home/jdoe/runs/sample345/outs
$ head -2 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/pca_projection.csv

$ head -2 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/lsa_projection.csv Barcode,PC-1,PC-2,PC-3,PC-4,PC-5,PC-6,PC-7,PC-8,PC-9,PC-10,PC-11,PC-12,PC-13,PC-14,PC-15 AAACAGCCAAGCTAAA-1,-20.240988995299652,-9.98961195205192,-3.975713841955313,-3.6970519526233816,0.5924742121181492,0.2541630680205914,-1.8285930634181444,1.3091645487857684,-0.1932357739169616,0.09950491463448573,1.3779137917059847,-1.5110824109207137,-0.421621592950534,-0.0952461164327349,-0.20614805513560971

The second file is a components matrix which indicates how much each feature contributed (the loadings) to each principal component. Features that were not included in the PCA analysis have all of their loading values set to zero.

$ head -2 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/pca_components.csv

$ head -2 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/lsa_components.csv PC,chr1:9695143-9697582,chr1:9698212-9701041,... 1,-0.5482991923678618,-0.6374211593177428,...

The third file contains the Ensembl IDs of the features for GEX and peaks for ATAC with the highest dispersion that were selected for use in the principal component calculations.

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/pca_features_selected.csv

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/lsa_features_selected.csv Feature 1,chr21:39348843-39349752 2,chr21:33542536-33543357 3,chr21:42009762-42010706 4,chr21:39388418-39389224

The fourth file records the proportion of total variance explained by each principal component. When choosing the number of principal components that are significant, it is useful to look at the plot of variance explained as a function of PC rank - when the numbers start to flatten out, subsequent PCs are unlikely to represent meaningful variation in the data.

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/pca_variance.csv

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/lsa_variance.csv PC,Proportion.Variance.Explained 1,0.2210095789548742 2,0.03476394600838236 3,0.005925095778867349 4,0.003582945659343343

The final file lists the normalized dispersion of each feature, after binning features by their mean expression across the dataset. This provides a useful measure of variability of each feature.

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/pca_dispersion.csv

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/lsa_dispersion.csv Feature,Normalized.Dispersion chr1:9695143-9697582,0.02029960904777695 chr1:9698212-9701041,0.10379770925583033 chr1:9825253-9827762,-1.0 chr1:9829746-9830116,25.528012093307737


After running PCA or LSA, t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is run to visualize cells in a 2-D space.

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/umap_projection.csv
$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/umap_projection.csv Barcode,TSNE-1,TSNE-2 AAACAGCCAAGCTAAA-1,11.19783100504234,-32.672655215753544 AAACAGCCAAGGTAAC-1,-24.09848935339985,0.6469769415490979 AAACAGCCAGTAGGTG-1,4.678939739563926,-27.328395716680745 AAACAGCCATAATGTC-1,21.49243070779123,-27.122233774496824


After running PCA or LSA, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) is run to visualize cells in a 2-D space.

$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/atac/umap_projection.csv
$ head -5 analysis/dimensionality_reduction/gex/umap_projection.csv Barcode,UMAP-1,UMAP-2 AAACAGCCAAGCTAAA-1,7.312935,-7.3619266 AAACAGCCAAGGTAAC-1,-8.567425,-1.38729 AAACAGCCAGTAGGTG-1,8.221492,-6.5541673 AAACAGCCATAATGTC-1,5.5689363,-7.2709103

Cluster-based analyses

The ATAC and GEX data per cell barcode is sparse and clustering the data using the large number of features can help discover different cell populations in the sample. Moreover, the clustering helps us detect differentially accessible peaks or differentially expressed genes in each population.


Clustering is then run to group cells together that have similar expression profiles, based on their projection into PCA space (GEX) or LSA space (ATAC). Graph-based clustering (under graphclust) is run once as it does not require a pre-specified number of clusters. K-means (under kmeans) is run for many values of K=2,...,N, where K corresponds to the number of clusters (default N=5).

$ ls analysis/clustering/atac
graphclust         kmeans_2_clusters  kmeans_3_clusters
kmeans_4_clusters  kmeans_5_clusters

For each clustering, cellranger-arc produces cluster assignments for each cell.

$ head -5 analysis/clustering/atac/kmeans_3_clusters/clusters.csv
$ head -5 analysis/clustering/gex/kmeans_3_clusters/clusters.csv Barcode,Cluster AAACATACAACGAA-1,2 AAACATACTACGCA-1,2 AAACCGTGTCTCGC-1,1 AAACGCACAACCAC-1,3

Differential enrichment analysis

For each clustering setting generated for either ATAC or GEX matrix and by either K-means or graph clustering method, cellranger-arc then produces a table indicating which genes are differentially expressed (differential_expression.csv) and a table indicating which peaks and transcription factor motifs are differentially accessible (differential_accessibility.csv) in each cluster relative to all other clusters, as per the algorithms described here. For each feature, whether it is a gene, peak, or transcription factor motif, we compute these three values per cluster:

Both differential_expression.csv and differential_accessibility.csv are located in the same directory as the clustering results.

$ head -5 analysis/clustering/atac/graphclust/differential_expression.csv

Feature ID,Feature Name,Cluster 1 Mean UMI Counts,Cluster 1 Log2 fold change,Cluster 1 Adjusted p value,Cluster 2 Mean UMI Counts,Cluster 2 Log2 fold change,Cluster 2 Adjusted p value,Cluster 3 Mean UMI Counts,Cluster 3 Log2 fold change,Cluster 3 Adjusted p value
$ head -5 analysis/clustering/atac/graphclust/differential_accessibility.csv Feature ID,Feature Name,Cluster 1 Mean Counts,Cluster 1 Log2 fold change,Cluster 1 Adjusted p value,Cluster 2 Mean Counts,Cluster 2 Log2 fold change,Cluster 2 Adjusted p value,Cluster 3 Mean Counts,Cluster 3 Log2 fold change,Cluster 3 Adjusted p value chr1:9695129-9697582,chr1:9695129-9697582,0.014098403818774368,-5.823451487250574,2.2659671842098193e-06,4.185745651762137e-09,-1.3874516676069444,0.5918812904596457,1.9512762483589925,7.238430090771634,5.00258305609651e-09 chr1:9698210-9701041,chr1:9698210-9701041,0.013761153212430422,-6.1502095503083165,7.855686702156565e-07,0.046489553517204636,-3.0232327143356246,0.01647646310191049,2.2844378973176838,6.5025499776936115,4.703658999567952e-13 . . . AHR_HUMAN.H11MO.0.B,AHR_HUMAN.H11MO.0.B,1.5229979744677225e-09,-0.558490289359965,1.0,1.5229979744575502e-09,1.41990325445066,1.0,1.5229979744838465e-09,2.5 360529002402097,1.0 AIRE_HUMAN.H11MO.0.C,AIRE_HUMAN.H11MO.0.C,382.4895824324451,-1.366896997726535,0.007214824200990991,4098.191143669588,0.031632664734601475,1.0,124.229272550 17468,2.136369782757689,0.0015585067057439586

Notice that the table differential_accessibility.csv for any specific clustering includes differential analysis results for both peaks and transcription factor motifs.

Feature Linkage

Feature Linkage BEDPE

The feature_linkage.bedpe file in outs/analysis/feature_linkage is a tab-delimited file containing information of feature linkages inferred from the pipeline. It follows the BEDPE specification from bedtools and can be directly loaded to the Integrative Genome Viewer (IGV). See the Feature Linkage Algorithm page for details on how Cell Ranger ARC produces feature linkages.

$ head -5 analysis/feature_linkage/feature_linkage.bedpe
chr1	817064	817593	chr1	998050	998051	<FAM87B_promoter><AL645608.7>	0.3074	.	.	7.3085	180722	peak-gene
chr1	906622	907202	chr1	998050	998051	<AL645608.6_distal><AL645608.7>	0.3544	.	.	6.1586	91138	peak-gene
chr1	817064	817593	chr1	999980	1000172	<FAM87B_promoter><HES4>	0.4095	.	.	13.1158	182747	peak-gene
chr1	906622	907202	chr1	999980	1000172	<AL645608.6_distal><HES4>	0.4341	.	.	15.8455	93164	peak-gene

The columns are defined as follows:

Column NumberNameDescription
1 chrom1The name of the chromosome on which the first end of the feature exists.
2 start1The zero-based starting position of the first end of the feature on chrom1.
3 end1The zero-based ending position of the first end of the feature on chrom1.
4 chrom2The name of the chromosome on which the second end of the feature exists.
5 start2The zero-based starting position of the second end of the feature on chrom2.
6 end2The zero-based ending position of the second end of the feature on chrom2.
7 nameDefines the name of the linkage with the format of <name1><name2>, in which name1 and name2 are based on gene symbol or peak annotation.
8 scoreLinkage correlation, ranging from -1 to 1.
9 strand1Set to ".".
10strand2Set to ".".
11significanceLinkage significance: -log10 p-value after multiple testing correction (false discovery rate). Capped at 299.
12distanceDistance in base pairs from feature 2 to feature 1.
13linkage_typeCan be "peak-peak", "gene-peak" or "peak-gene" depending on the type of gene or peak for feature 1 and feature 2.

The distance between features in a feature linkage is defined as follows:

Note that linkage distance can be positive or negative. Positive distance means the genomic coordinates are larger in feature 2 than in feature 1. Because the symmetric nature of feature linkage, only linkages with positive or zero distances are output to feature_linkage.bedpe.

Feature Linkage HDF5

The feature_linkage_matrix.h5 file is a compressed HDF5 file containing the sparse matrices of feature linkage correlation and significance, as well as the feature references. The file hierarchy is as follows:

├── score
├── significance
├── indices
├── indptr
└── features [HDF5 group]
    ├─ _all_tag_keys
    ├─ feature_type
    ├─ genome
    ├─ id
    ├─ interval
    └─ name

and the member specifications are as follows:

scorefloat64Linkage correlation, ranging from -1 to 1.
significancefloat64Linkage significance: -log10 p-value after multiple testing correction (false discovery rate). Capped at 299.
indicesint64CSR format index array of the matrix.
indptrint64CSR format index pointer array of the matrix.
feature_typestringThe type of feature reference to which this feature belongs (Gene Expression or Peaks).
genomestringThe genome reference for a given feature (e.g., "GRCh38" or "mm10"). For non-gene expression features, this entry is an empty string.
idstringThe unique id corresponding to this feature (Ensembl gene IDs for genes or peak coordinates for peaks).
intervalstringSpecifies TSS coordinates for genes, or peak coordinates for peaks.
namestringA human-readable name associated with this feature (gene symbol for gene features and peak coordinates for peak features).

The HDF5 group features contains information regarding the feature reference(s) used for the analysis. The datasets within the features group represent columns in a table containing one row per feature. Values in the feature_idx column described in the previous section provide indices into the rows of this hypothetical table.

The linkage correlation and linkage significance matrices are n_feature x n_feature sparse matrices sharing the same sparsity pattern, which is defined by indices and indptr.

Transcription Factor Analysis

Cell Ranger ARC performs a motif scan on peaks and generates a motif-barcode matrix. The output files are located at analysis/tf_analysis, including

├── filtered_tf_bc_matrix
│   ├── barcodes.tsv.gz
│   ├── matrix.mtx.gz
│   └── motifs.tsv
├── filtered_tf_bc_matrix.h5
└── peak_motif_mapping.bed

Peak-motif Occurrence Mappings

The peak_motif_mapping.bed file is a BED file containing peak coordinates and motif names as the fourth column. Each row represents the occurrence of one motif in one peak as evidenced by the motif scan; a single peak can occur multiple times associated with different motifs.

$ head -5 analysis/tf_analysis/peak_motif_mapping.bed
chr1	629732	630166	MAFG::NFE2L1_MA0089.1
chr1	629732	630166	Sox5_MA0087.1
chr1	633796	634260	SHOX_MA0630.1
chr1	633796	634260	VAX2_MA0723.1
chr1	633796	634260	Sox5_MA0087.1