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Cell Ranger


10x Genomics
Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling

What is Loupe V(D)J Browser?


Loupe V(D)J Browser is a desktop application for Windows and macOS that allows the user to analyze, search, and visualize V(D)J sequences and clonotypes from 5' Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling data.

Loupe is named after a jeweler's loupe meant for inspecting precious gems.

10x Chromium Sequencer 10x Cell Ranger 10x Loupe V(D)J Browser
Cell Suspension Barcoding & Library
Sequence library Pipelines Analysis & Visualization
lab-integration-0 lab-integration-1 lab-integration-2 lab-integration-3 lab-integration-4

Using Loupe V(D)J Browser, you can quickly:

To find out how to use Loupe V(D)J Browser to explore your data, start the tutorial.